


At your first appointment, we’ll discuss your goals for treatment, relevant health history, lifestyle, and diet, along with questions regarding your major organ systems and stress levels. Emotional health is an important factor we’ll discuss as well. Traditional Chinese Medicine views the system as whole – not separate parts, so your initial intake is comprehensive.

Acupuncture points are selected based on your specific health goals, overall constitution, and signs and symptoms.

Each treatment and all recommendations will be unique to your individual health goals, body and presentation.

Please note: Acupuncture is cumulative, so consistency is important! Expect to see me weekly or more often as needed.

Initial appointment: 90 mins | $130

Follow-up: 60 mins | $85

Acupuncture + Cupping


Used for pain, stagnation and release, cupping helps stimulate blood flow and energy circulation. Cups provide anti-inflammatory and pain-resolving effects.

The treatment itself involves creating suction with glass cups over specific areas of muscular tissue. An oil is placed on the skin to ensure that movement of cups is comfortable. There may be a pulling sensation, tingling, or a feeling of heat, but this treatment is not painful.

If the pain or stagnation we’re addressing is longstanding or severe, bruising is likely. Marks generally fade within 1-5 days.

Initial Appointment: 105 minutes | $145

Current patients: 90 mins | $105

Individually Customized Internal Medicine


Herbs help create change from the inside out and support our work between treatments.

They are especially beneficial when we’re working to balance your system as a whole. Expect that I will change your herbs regularly depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle and/or what your particular health goals are.

There are centuries of clinical data to support the use of herbal formulas. The herbs we prescribe come from a reputable retailer who ensures purity, safety and potency in their herbal extracts by following standards of current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) established by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and World Health Organization (WHO).

Herbal consults are available as part of your scheduled acupuncture treatment.

If you are seeing me in person for acupuncture, the cost of herbs will be added as an additional purchase.